Thank you very much for your interest in the WinLase Laser Cavity Simulation Software.
WinLase is a software package for designing laser cavities and for analyzing the propagation of gaussian beams in complex optical systems. WinLase uses matrix algorithms for its calculations. Therefore, nearly any optical element can be simulated by the software, even user defined elements.
Please note that WinLase Version 2.1 has reached end of life. We will inform you on this website when new releases of WinLase become available.
We are grateful to all our WinLase users in academia and industry. Many of you have created awesome new laser system designs using our software!
We hope we have been successful in making your life a little easier. With WinLase ... the solution is just a few mouse clicks away
Thank you & All the best!
Dr. Christopher Horvath & Dr. Frieder Loesel